I am moving. In fact, all of my furniture (bed, couch, table, some other heavy shit) is all getting moved on Monday morning. Right now I live in a fourth floor walk up. It's too f'ing hot to even dream of moving a couch down a winding staircase, into a van, and into Bed Stuy all by myself. So. I have been packing up all my other stuff. Except not so much.
Today, I begged my boss to change my schedule so that I could work from 10-2 and then go home and start packing.
But. What did I do instead? I stayed at work until 445. Then. I came home. I sat on the internet for half an hour. Then I took apart a bookcase (now that's what we call progress). Then I got hot, so I sat by a fan for like 40 minutes. Then I went to a concert. Then I went and had a couple of drinks. Then I came home, made a salad, ate ice cream, and started to watch Real Housewives of New Jersey. Then I started to feel real anxious about packing. So I decided it was time to blog. AND HERE I AM NOW.
So, instead of doing anything super productive, I'm gonna give y'all the JULY PLAYLIST. I know all you internet fanz have been dying to get the next installment, so here it is.
Omghooray. Yes, that's right. I took time away from my busy schedule of internet dating and reality TV to make another playlist. Because I love all of you internet stalkers SO FUCKING MUCH. Here's the tracklist:
1. "He Is the Boy" - Little Eva 2. "Look At Your Game Girl" - Charles Manson 3. "Little Brown Haired Girl" - Frankie Rose and the Outs 4. "Sweet Virginia" - The Rolling Stones 5. "Round and Round" - Ariel Pink's Haunted Graffiti 6. "Summer Holiday" - Wild Nothing 7. "Jail La La" - Dum Dum Girls 8. "Marathon" - Tennis 9. "Texico Bitches" - Broken Social Scene 10. "Solitude Is Bliss" - Tame Impala 11. "Mississippi Queen" - Mountain 12. "All She want To Do Is Dance" - Don Henley 13. "Room's On Fire" - Stevie Nicks 14. "Heartbreaker (feat. Jay-Z)" - Mariah Carey 15. "Rill Rill" - Sleigh Bells 16. "I Wanna Be Your Lover" - Prince 17. "Me, You, One (Means I Love You)" - Bob Pinado & His Sound Casters 18. "Stand Back" - Stevie Nicks 19. "Born to Be Alive" - Patrick Hernandez.
Now here are the complimentary music videos. Enjoy.
(I'm not going to lie. I think this music video is kind of stupid.)
(The world needs more men like Don Henley.)
Ok. Time to pack up my entire fucking kitchen. God dammit.
Ok. So over here in Brooklyn, we are in the deepest, darkest depths of summer.
It's 90 degrees every day. Your A/C is starting to make weird noises because it's been cranking at full blast for a month. You can't ride your bike anywhere because there are fire hydrants gushing water everywhere into some weird block party you are definitely not invited to. All of your friends are out of town (how does that always happen?). You spend most of your time at work looking for other jobs. You find yourself drinking a lot more than you ever thought possible. And don't even get me started on the back of your knees being all sweaty...
BUT LUCKILY I have started listening to this great new album by Los Angeles natives, Best Coast. Their new album "Crazy For You," which is supposed to come out later this month (but you can find snippets of it everywhere on the internet), is the perfect background noise for your summer time ennui.
"Crazy For You" is that album for anyone who has found themselves at the end of a dead-end summer romance. You know it's not going anywhere, but for some reason you can't stop thinking about him or her. Kind of fuzzy, kind of 90's grunge girl group, kind of beachy, lead singer Bethany Cosentino sings simple, repetitive songs in a carefree, sunshiny tone. All about someone she used to care about but is no longer in the picture, each song tells the tale of a girl who is trying to have a good summer but can't get that last guy out of her head. But not in a whiny, "poor me" kind of way. It's more like "I miss you but come mid-September I'm not really going to remember your name" kind of way. She sings about those things that you know are insignificant but you don't really have anything else to focus on, so it consumes your brain.
It provides perfect ambience for when you don't want to think about anything but can't stand the idea of sweating by yourself in silence. Or if you decide to stop waiting by the phone and go for a really warm summer time stroll. It's all stuff that you can totally sympathize with and understand, but are tired of saying over and over to the two friends who didn't decide to Eurotrip or manage to go to the beach for three months.
It also makes really great summer drive music. Kind of the stuff you would listen to in your car on the way to high school only. New nostalgia.
She really taps into Courtney Love territory in her track "Honey." It's probably one of the most desperate and emotional songs on the album. It sounds like that inner monologue you play in your head right before you go to sleep and are staring at the ceiling. You are so over thinking and just want to go to sleep. (And if there is anything that gets me all riled up, it's a good homage to Hole.)
She says it best over the fifth track on her album, "Summer Mood." "There's something about the summer/something about the summer/something that makes me moody." I feel ya' girl.
All I have to say is that it's been playing on repeat as I try to pack up my apartment and move...more details about that coming up! Expect everyone to get invites to House of Halsey ASAP!!!!
This is a minimalist house designed by the Japanese group Shinichi Ogawa & Associates. They do these crazy buildings with nothing but walls of glass and couches and a large computer in the middle of everything. And maybe a succulent to remind you that you are a living, breathing human being.
I mean. This is awesome. There is nothing but lines and surfaces and clean, white, crispness.
I envy people who think like this. But at the same time, who the fuck is going to live there? My house is a constant labyrinth of piles of magazines and tumbleweeds of cat hair blowin' all over the place. I mean, where in this house would I feel comfortable putting my collection of European licorice? Or that funny horse statue I bought for $10 that one time. Or my globe lamp? It would totally clash. BAM. There go all my surfaces.
I'd probably have to sell kitty just to pay for that one little Japanese maple or whatever that is quivering in it's depressing concrete holding cell. Do they expect that tree to grow? It's roots are gonna totally fuck up the CLEAR GLASS LINES.
So this song is real emo. But. Sometimes that's all I want. But it's a pretty boy singing about heart-wrenching problems! Sigh...
It's supposed to rain later and it's getting really windy.
So this song is real emo. But. Sometimes that's all I want. But it's a pretty boy singing about heart-wrenching problems! Sigh...
It's supposed to rain later and it's getting really windy.
P.S. The line at work between professional and personal is starting to get real blurry. My coworker sent me a text last night that said: "yo chris why you so upset with me." UGH. IS IT NOT OBVIOUS. BECAUSE YOU SEND ME TEXTS THAT MAKE YOU SOUND LIKE A LITTLE WHINY BITCH. Ooooh my blood boils.
So this weather. Is totally stupid. No one ever wants it to be this hot. I was in my car todaymm and I looked at the thermostat, and it said 109. 109!!!! Like. I dunno. I had to question and go back through my day and try to remember if I did any crack before I left the house, because the only way it could possibly be that hot is if I was on drugs. The answer was "No. You've just been sitting inside breathing freon all day from your 70's style AC!" Totally rad.
So what did I do? I logically cleaned my entire house, took a shower, had great hair only to have it deflate in the humidity (FUCK YOU HUMIDITY. WHY DO YOU DO THIS TO MY HAIR?), went to Target and tried to buy a feather bed!
This is what I had in mind. Me. In the world's most comfortable bed. With the AC blasting. And my cat chillin'.
But what happened when I got there? They only had feather beds in XL Twin & King sizes. What? Where are we? How is everything so totally useless to me right now?
So instead, I got a brisket sandwich from Mile End Delicatessen and drank lemonade and prepared my rental application to get this stupid brownstone apartment in Bed Stuy. So. I'm currently lying on my EXTRA FIRM BED, trying to cool off.
This heat makes me cranky.
The 4th of July was fun. I don't have any pictures because I lost my digital camera the day before I left and found it this afternoon, under my car seat. GRUMP.
I also want these boots. I tried them on in October at APC. They cost $500. I totally should have taken the plunge. Ha! Jk. I could never afford $500 boots. Yet....just wait till I have my book deal and syndicated TV show, you assholes. RAWR I WANT EVERYTHING AND I'M HOT AND GRUMPY!!!!